Friday, August 12, 2016

Taking off some honey

When checking on the hive yesterday, I see several frames in the supers full and ready so I took off 4 frames that I will extract.  I will leave the rest there for now.

When I looked into the honey stores deep, I found capped and uncapped honey...more capped than not.  I also saw brood in various stages and bees bringing in yellow pollen.  I think the dearth is over with goldenrod blooming.  But in my yard, there's not much goldenrod blooming yet.  Not sure I'll have that much this year since I deadheaded them last year.  I think that was a mistake so I won't do it again.  I want the goldenrod for the bees.  Not so good for my sinuses but it's the price you pay I guess.

I was pleased to see the activity in the hive.

However, when I removed the top hive feeder, it had a lot of yellow jackets in there dead.  I have a yellow jacket nest somewhere in my porch ceiling.  As I read more about the dearth at this time of year, I read that stealing is a major concern with other insects wanting the sugar water or honey.  I decided to close off the venting.  I have holes in two boxes, a deep and a super, which I drilled to give more ventilation in the hive.  I plugged them up with corks yesterday.  I also added back in the entrance reducer at it's widest opening to further close up the entrances to the hive.

I had been noticing a lot of flurry there at the hive and I think it was due to fending off predators. Hopefully they can now relax a bit and not use their energy to fight them off.

And I filled the feeder with  more sugar water to keep the bees fed in case there's not enough flowering plants to satisfy.

It's time to begin thinking about wintering over the bees.  I will need to buy bales of hay one at a time since I no longer have a truck.  That is, unless I can figure out another alternative.

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