Last week I did an inspection of the hives and Hive 1 appears to be thriving. Today I inspected again and Hive 1 is still just bursting with activity. I see a lot of uncapped honey and other frames pretty full so I went ahead and added a super onto Hive 1. They seem to be doing fine with the entrance opening. In a week or two, I will probably fully open the entrance. They had a good amount of comb coming off from the bottom of the frame. I took it off. I also took one of the frames that appeared to have some queens in development. I moved that and another few frames to the nuc.
Let's talk about the Nuc
Two weeks ago, I moved a few frames into that same Nuc with the queen cell. but I didn't move the Nuc to another yard so when I checked on them, I saw that the bees were gone. So I left the frames in there, including the frame that had the large queen cell and still closed up.
My intent today was to split Hive #1 and load up the Nuc and take it to another yard this time. I put a frame in there with one frame I found that had a bunch of queen cells in the making and a few other frames of honey and syrup. I'm hoping they finish making queen cells and maybe I can get a new queen that way. My intent was to raise a queen for Hive #2 that had no eggs in last week's inspection.
The one I purchased and added apparently didn't make it. But today, there were eggs! I was so excited. There must be a queen in there's more likely the queen I bought laid the eggs but I don't know why it would take her so long. She came out of the cage on 5/31 and only started laying eggs sometime this week.
I first thought it might have come from the Nuc since that queen cell now had a hole at the end. She had hatched and she was gone...perhaps to Hive #2 This queen would need to take its maiden flights, etc. so think it's too soon for her to begin laying eggs.
Very positive inspection today.
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