Monday, July 17, 2017

Hive check 7/16/17 - and new pink hive

Exciting day yesterday when I add a new hive...the pink one, third from the left.  I had to purchase a new complete hive, with top cover, deep box, inner cover, 10 frames, bottom board and entrance reducer.  I expect I'll need to buy another deep hive over the winter for spring...if the new hive survives.

I'm excited because for the past 2-3 years, I've been trying to increase the number of hives with no success.  This year, I purchased two nucs so I could switch around frames and use them to shore up the weaker hives.

  • Hive 1 is the tallest.  I need to pull off some honey from that hive soon.  One super is just about full.
  • Hive 2 is the second tallest.  I added more sugar syrup to that one this week since many of the frames are not drawn out and I saw a lot of uncapped honey.  I also added a super in case they needed room for eggs.
  • Hive 3 is the pink one which is now half full, with plenty of brood and seemingly very active.
  • Nuc is on the far right.  I added some frames in there in case something should happen with them but don't expect much.  I saw little activity in there yet had bees going in and out so I'll watch that one for a bit.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with the progress this year.

I'm beginning to think about medications for the fall and insulation.  I remembered that I have a bunch of bubble pack type insulation in the shed that I used to use in the greenhouse.  I don't know why that wouldn't be good for insulating the hives.  Wrap that around the hives and secure with  bungie cords.  

In the past I've used bales of hay but thought I'd try this other method...but will run the idea by some other beekeepers to make sure this is a good idea.

Now we need lots of sun to get more flowers.  I know golden rod is coming but this year's rain has cut down on flowers I think.  I notice it in the vegetable garden too.

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