Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hive check and split - 6/27

Today I checked the hive and it is loaded with bees, honey and brood.  So I decided to take a few frames and create a Nuc which I took to my daughter's property where it will stay for a few weeks.

On the existing hive, I added some old frames with honey etc. on them that needed to be cleaned and let me bees clean and then fill those frames.

I removed the sugar syrup for now so I could fit more frames into the bottom deep.  When I feed again, it'll probably be in the upper deep which is easier to get to.  But it was very heavy this time around.  I had to remove some frames in order to lift it. 

The drone frame was full of comb and half full of brood so I scraped that onto the lawn for the birds and put it back into the top deep.  Again, it'll be easier to get.

I removed the Varroa mite strips today since I also added a super.

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