Happily I saw the queen this week. I hadn't seen her last week and was a little worried but not too much because I had seen recent brood. Today I saw her and she was very busy. They had filled in another frame or two with full brood and pollen. I thought it was time to add another deep so I did that too.
I then added the frames I had extracted last weekend to the upper deep and let the bees clean them off. At least they won't need to build comb from scratch in that deep. They've had to do a lot of building in the lower deep. I was careful to remove any drone comb from the frames I put in too. And have added a green drone frame to the upper deep and the one in the lower deep is being built out, but no brood in there or eggs. I'm keeping my eye on this after last year!
Bees still had not finished up their sugar syrup from last time but I added more anyway hoping the ants stay away and the bees drink it. I guess they don't really need it at the moment.
Notice the entrance reducer on the front. That is not correct, I'm sure. I don't know if this screened bottom board is supposed to go over my regular bottom board but that seems like way too many bottom boards.

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