Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Hive check 8/4/21

 Last week, our favorite head of Brattleboro Beekeepers Association was kind enough to check my hive for me.  She also did an alcohol wash and found zero varroa mites!!  She let me know that all looked good in there.

Today I wanted to add the green frame to use to help control varroa which is made for drones to build and lay their eggs.  Then it's up to the beekeeper to remove that frame before the drones hatch.  Since the varroa mites like drones best, when you remove the brood before hatching, you are removing mites as well.  

I also added another frame to the super since I had only 9 in there so if they need more space, they have it.  Now I'll leave them alone for at least a few weeks and let them forage for goldenrod and whatever else they can find.

This week I bottled the honey I had extracted last month and that should carry me through the year but I won't be selling any of it. Instead I will sort of hoard it!

A big thanks to Nancy Frye for her help!

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