Sunday, May 1, 2016

New bees arrive

I went over to Swanzey, NH this morning to pick up a nuc from Imaginethathoney who picked up a lot of nucs from Singing Cedars up in Orwell, VT.  I've not tried their bees in the past so we'll see how this year goes.  I noticed that only 4 of the 5 frames were filled out, giving them more room to grow, I guess.  I also found the queen!  It's the first time I've found a queen on my own...after 4+ years.  There she was though, in plain sight.

I have added the frames to a deep that I had ready for them in my bee yard. Now I wait and let them adjust to their new home.  Not many came out to fly around but it's only in the mid 40's right now and rain is expected so I think they'll stay in and stay warm.  After tomorrow, nice weather is supposed to arrive and then I expect to see them flying around my yard.

I have a farm down the road from me...a few miles...and when shopping there yesterday, I noticed a lot of honey bees.  I asked one of the owners if they had a hive and she said they have several.  That is great news and no wonder they have such good looking crops!

So I'm ready to have a great bee season. Wish me luck!