Saturday, May 30, 2020

May 30th hive check

Bees still working on filling frames.  There are a few frames with a lot of activity and brood, but there are still frames unfilled yet so I'm going to keep the one deep on there longer.  It's now been about 5 weeks now.  It feels a bit slow to me but perhaps the cold start to the month prevented them from being further along.

Otherwise all looks good in there.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hive checks May 8 and May 19

The photos were taken during the May 8th hive check.  All looked good and the bees were active and I saw a bit of brood as well.  The most I did in this check was to remove the overabundance of comb!  I removed the sheet of comb and will melt it down for craft use.

Although this frame had comb already, the bees made another sheet of comb over the top. Go figure!

Today, May 19th, I took another look inside the hive to see what's going on now.  I wasn't ready to add another deep but probably will the next hive check.

The bees were bringing in all colors of pollen.  I saw a few frames of capped brood and capped honey in the upper corners.  Perfect.  The Drone frame had been worked on and had a lot of comb now but they weren't filled with brood yet but will keep an eye on that frame as we move forward.

I also added two mite strips...Apivan today.