Friday, October 5, 2018

Hive check - still drone heavy

So I know my hive will die over the winter but it hasn't yet.  There's a lot of honey in there and still a lot of bees.  But any brood I saw was drone and very little of that. I expect to see fewer and fewer bees over the next month or so.

I still put a pollen patty at the top of the hive, and merged three deeps to two.  Where I saw drone brood, I poked it to kill them. 

I also added a super that has a cedar pillow in it to catch any condensation but left the 1 inch hole open on the upper deep so air can escape.

I left on the mouse guard and closed up the entrance to the one inch size.  They can get out of the top deep in that hole too.

We'll see how it goes but I'm sure I'll be losing these bees but at least they seem to have enough food for a while just in case a miracle happens :).