Saturday, December 28, 2019

12/28 Hive check

i've been .dead bees in the snow but not a huge number but I was anxious to look inside the hive for a quick peek.

I changed up the cedar chip pillow at the top housed in a super with a screen bottom.  The top of the deep below the screen was filled with bs so I was happy to see that.  I did nothing except pull out the bottom board to see if there were dead bees there.  Nothing there.

Then I noticed that the front entrance had a lot of bees in front of the opening so I unscrewed the mouse guard and pulled out a lot of dead bees.  I then closed it back up.  No bees came out to greet me while I was doing that.  However a few had come out while I was changing out the pillow.

Overall I'm happy there are still bees in there.  I know I left them plenty of food by taking no honey for myself this year.  Fingers crossed.