Saturday, June 18, 2016

Girls active on May 16, 2016

I checked the hive yesterday and was happy to see the queen.  What I also saw, however, was a new queen cell being built.

I also saw capped and uncapped larvae so she's laying.  But I didn't see that all the frames were full and there were still 4 pretty empty.  I had added a second deep a week or so ago and added a few honey frames, so they will have room to grow.  I think that all the rain we had slowed them down for a week.

It's been cold these last few days so doubt they're out too far away.  I know I'm not!

I also added two supers to the top of the second deep so that they'll draw comb out on some frames in the supers.  My hope is that they will be ready to receive the honey when the bees are ready for the supers.

Some questions after checking the hive today June 18 2016

I just came in from checking the hive.  Here's what I saw and then I'll ask a few questions and publish on the Brattleboro Beekeepers Group, hoping someone has some input.

  • I have two deeps and two supers on there.  (The supers are there because some of the frames needed to have wax added and so I wanted them to be there and get ready for honey later in the season.) 
  • The supers have been there for a few weeks.
  • Above the supers, I added another deep today with no frames, and used it to hold a jar of sugar water.  I think it will help them build comb and to not eat the stores in case there's not enough pollen coming in
  • There was lots of comb at the bottom of the second deep and a lot of comb at the top of the first deep - I removed it all
  • Three queen cells were found. I left them alone for now (since I have questions...see below.
  • I saw brood in various stages of growth. 
  • I didn't see the queen but based on the in process brood, I assume she's still in there somewhere.
Questions to anyone who knows and is willing to answer
  • With what looks like three queen cells being built, I think I did the right thing by leaving them...anyone have input on that?
  • I had two queen cells on one frame, and one on another.  I wondered if I could take one of those frames and start a Nuc or another hive.  It it too new a hive since this is a "new beginning year" where I started with a Nuc.
  • I fear weakening the existing hive too much by trying to expand it this year. I might be better off if I waited until next spring and, if my hive survives the winter strong, I could start another hive at that time.  But am I right that I should wait and not do anything more this year?
  • Since I saw so much comb being built below, could they possibly be thinking of swarming? They do have more room to fill...and since it's the first year for this hive, I'm not sure.
I am at the very bottom of my own honey from last year...I actually bought a jar at the Coop in Brattleboro last week that I'll use next.  That's kind of sad but I hope to remedy that situation later this summer. Fingers crossed.