Friday, September 27, 2019

9/27/19 - All's well

I see I haven't posted anything this month, for good reasons. I had a family emergency and lost a brother unexpectedly, which turned my focus to family rather than my bees.

Today I did a few things:

  • Added mouse guard
  • Added feeder to the top
  • Repositioned this tall hive since it was leaning forward and as soon as I touched the first box, I stopped it from tipping over!  Oh boy, what a disaster that would have been.
  • Upset my bees and got a few stings today
  • Added Apivar strips to the two top deeps.  The bottom deep still has the Oxilic acid paper towels there so I thought I  may need extra help with the varroa since my bottom board didn't have  many mites on it.
  • I added a new sticky board to see if I see more mites than I have been seeing
There still appears to be a queen since I saw brood in the middle deep and upper deep.  I didn't disturb the lower deep since I would have torn the oxilic paper.

Lots of honey, capped and ready to eat when needed.  I'm not taking any for myself this fall. I added the feeder so I will begin adding sugar syrup very soon but don't think they need it yet.

I'm worried about the height of my hive.  I fear something bumped into it which is what made it tippy. But it's too late, I think, to create a Nuc and have it winter over. I may get a few more cement blocks to add under the front so that it can't tip off.