Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Very discouraging

Today is 10 19 16.  I went out to the hive with my binoculars to watch the girls as I like to do.  Had to go in mid-afternoon since it's getting dark earlier and after work, I can't see them as well.

What I saw were hive beetles going in and out.  That prompted me to do some research real quick and get out to the hive with the strips glued to the bottom of corregated cardboard so that the grooves are exposed, stapled the strips to the smooth side and taped to the bottom board.  That was after cleaning out dead bees and shredded comb.

Then I started removing frames to see what I had.  Basically a lot of diseased looking frames, and no honey left.  A few bees grabbing what they could.

A week or so ago, I saw so many bees.  Now I realize what I saw was robbing going on.

Now I have nothing again.  I'm very discouraged and am not sure if I'll try again or not.  I need to think about it.  I certainly haven't done very well with this hobby and feel very bad about it.

I may put a Nuc with brand clean frames that have some comb into the greenhouse and add pollen patties for them to eat.  Maybe I'll be able to keep a few bees that way.  Maybe it's wishful thinking.