Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Picking up bees in 5 days

I am investing in more bees this year so that I have two hives.  I'm hoping that I can keep them both going. It's been a difficult few years because I haven't been able to keep a hive from year to year.  But with two, I'm hoping to have one of the hives doing okay to help boost a hive that  might be falling behind for one reason or another.  And to compare behaviors would be interesting and hopefully insightful into bee behavior.

Clearly, these are expensive jars of honey!  I haven't sold any yet.  I've had enough for myself and immediate family, which is good and delicious.  But I lose money on them every day.  So it's not about the money.  It's about the bees and thriving crops, which is, from a long range perspective, even more important than the honey they produce. to another year of beekeeping. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

My goal is to have these same two hives thriving a year from now!