Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hive check 5/26//19 - two queens?

I had a surprise during today's inspection.  I was looking at each frame when I spotted a bee with a green dot on it.  I was pleased to see that.  I hadn't noticed the dot when I put her into the hive.  But as I started watching her, I realized this was the smallest queen I've ever seen!  I began comparing her to other bees nearby and thought a mistake might have been made when marking queens.

So I kept going and a few frames further in and who do I see?  Another queen who looked like a queen should look.  Long and skinny.  She was also marked in green.  So I'm assuming that the marker must have hit the worker bee by mistake. 

Otherwise, things looked really good in the hive.  I want to do a powdered sugar check but want to wait until more bees hatch because I don't want to lose a bunch of bees yet. I wonder if I'm making a mistake and should do it sooner.  I am thinking I could do it within a week or two.

Ants got into the sugar water but I have cleaned it and added more to keep them building comb.  They are doing good but soon will need more space for hopefully more brood.  Today I had a few frames in the center that were full of brood, nectar and pollen but more capped brood than anything else on these few frames.

Weather is now in the80's.  We finally have a long spell of early summer weather for the next several days.  They should thrive, as should the garden.

Planting is done, except the usual replacing a few that might have died my cucumbers have.  One tomato plant disappeared totally and don't see anything at all where the plant was. I kept a few spares so will put one in that place.  Otherwise, things are coming along.  I noticed beans and up now and carrots, seeds I had put in a few weeks ago.

So glad to finally have things under control. In the spring, there are so many chores to get things done. If we miss that window, we may as well kiss the season goodbye.  It's short enough.  But I've noticed myself relaxing and enjoying my space for now..

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Hive check - 5/19/19

It was time to go into the hive to see if the queen had been released and if she were alive.  Naturally I didn't actually see the queen, but there's a lot of activity in the hive.  There was nectar, pollen in various colors, and was happy to see some new brood.  So that tells me the queen is likely in there.  The workers are busy making new comb because my old comb was thrown away over the winter. It was old and dark colored so thought we should start with mostly fresh frames.

I need to research (again) when to check for varroa mites and treat them.  I will try the powdered sugar method to see the number of mites I have now.  And think I'll test again in early August and treat at that least that's what I think prior to my research.  I also am prepared to use Oxilic acid as a remedy.  For now, I have a drone frame in the hive.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Bee's are here

It's been cold and rainy most days for the past month.  Today, however, is sunny and in the high 50's...still too cool, in my opinion, but the sun feels very good.  It was a good day to take a drive to pick up my bees.  I tried a new vendor this year, just for the heck of it. Given my history with losing bees, I figured I could spread the wealth!  But they are from the area so should be good stock used to our weather here in Southern Vermont.

The forecast for the week is showing a few days of sun and the rest is rain and cool.  One day it won't get to 50 degrees! Bees won't do much foraging until it warms up more and I suppose they'll want to get used to their new surroundings.

In my yard, I have vinca, daffodils and another spring bulb flower.  I've put out my geraniums on the porch but hanging plants are still in the greenhouse.  They have Petunias so they would prefer warmer temperatures.  Forsythia is at the end of its bloom but I did see some dandelions around and some tiny white flowers that appear on the lawn.  They were mowed a few days ago but will be back in another day or two so that'll be good pollen for the bees.  I know there's lots of pollen out there given the yellow on my car.  I noticed I don't have that much in the house.  Probably because the doors and windows have been mostly closed since it's been so chilly.

I just ordered a varroa mite jar lid so I will be checking for mites in a few weeks.  I need to be diligent with it this year.  My fingers crossed for a good bee year!