Monday, May 21, 2012

I think I found the queen

Yesterday, I did my weekly check on the bees and they seem to be making comb, lots of pupae, lots of pollen in cells...everything seems to be in order. 

This time, I followed the instructions in Beekeeping for Dummies and took out the first frame, put it aside while checking all the other frames.  (It will be the last frame to go back into the hive and its removal made it easier to remove and insert loaded frames back into the hive without crushing any bees). 

I then checked every frame in there one at a time, putting each back where they came from.  It was about 5 or 6 frames in when I saw this bee that was long and skinny and different than all the others.  I do believe that was the queen.  I didn't want to spend too much time in there looking so would look quickly on each frame.  I think I was 6 frames in before I saw her, and that frame is one that was not completely built out with comb etc.

Next time, I'd like to bring a camera but I guess I really need another person to take the pictures since I can't put down a frame (other than that first one) once it's in hand.  I may have to enlist some help soon so I can show more of the progress visually.

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